June 8-13, 2009
What's In Your Basket?
- Tillamook and/or Seascape Strawberries
- Jericho Green Romaine Lettuce
- Hakurei Turnips
- Green Globe Artichokes
- Spinach
- Red Ursa Kale
On Rotation:
- Zucchini
- Broccoli
Coming Soon!
- Chard
- Kohlrabi
- Beets
Produce Tips - How to Eat It, Cook It and Keep It!
Hakurei Turnips
- Most people don't associate the word "turnip" with the adjectives "sweet and buttery," but Hakureis make the cut. They are our favorite turnip of all time, and lucky for all of us, they are a vigorous spring crop. This turnips are best eaten raw to savor their texture and flavor, but they also sautee up well with a little olive oil, salt and their own greens.
- Don't toss those tops! They make great stir-fry greens. Give them a wash, chop them up, and cook them!
- If you want your turnips to last longer in the fridge, cut the tops off and store the roots in a ziploc in the crisper.
- Baby spinach!!! Check out the recipe exchange for some great salad ideas....
- Great sauteed, stir-fried, or eaten raw, this hearty green keeps best in a plastic bag in the fridge.
- The zukes are starting to come on - slowly but surely. Right now, the harvest is such that we'll be divvying up the harvest amongst each of the pick-up sites on rotation - so that everyone will get the same quantity of zucchini, but you may not receive it every week.
- Zukes store for about a week in a plastic bag in the fridge. Wonderufl sauteed with a little butter, thyme, salt and pepper.
- Like the zucchini, the broccoli is just getting going so we'll be distributing it to different pick-up sites on rotation these first few weeks. The heads are small right now, but will size up as the days warm up.
- Stores best in the fridge in a sealed plastic bag.
On the Farm....
We planted our last succession of potatoes this week - with the help of Barney & Maude, who pulled the walking plow to open up the furrows to plant into. Abby drove the plow while I drove the horses. Our first furrow was pretty drunken, but the second and third started to look like the real thing:
straight as an arrow. If we had high speed internet, I'd post some photos of it - but for now we'll leave it to your imaginations.
Meanwhile, the first planting of potatoes from March is starting to flower, which means that our first new potatoes are just a few weeks away.
We also planted out seventy new grape vines this week, including both wine and table grapes, as well as a bunch of kiwi vines. We'll be harvesting fruit from them starting next year....
Don't forget to visit the
Recipe Exchange
to check out the new recipes this week, and to share your own recipes with other farmsters.