The Valley Flora Beetbox

Valley Flora's newsletter, sharing news from the farm, seasonal updates, and more!

Historic Flooding at the Farm

As many of you are already aware, the farm experienced severe flooding last Sunday. We got 7.5” of rain in under 36 hours, causing Floras Creek to jump her banks overnight and swallow the entire valley. We haven’t seen a flood like this since 1996, before we were growing produce on our bottomland.

Needless to say, we experienced a lot of damage: large sections of our perimeter deer fence along the creek were battered flat; the farmstand was filled with mud and wreckage; the footings of our new equipment shed were undermined; a few pieces of equipment were lost altogether; and some of our winter and early spring crops were destroyed.

On the bright side, the horses are ok, our crew and family are safe, our newly-germinated peas and favas are alive and pushing through the mud, and we gained a LOT of new topsoil – anywhere from one to twelve inches, depending on the location. As big a setback as it is on the cusp of busy springtime, we are focusing on the positive: Valley Flora would not have the productive, deep, generous soil that it does without periodic floods like this over the millennia.

We spent last week cleaning up as best we could with the help of our incredible, dedicated crew. They donned their raingear and great attitudes and went to town getting the farmstand put back together for our winter CSA pickup, and most importantly, resecuring all the strawberry beds before the next storm. We had high winds predicted for Wednesday, and with all the strawberry plastic loose and flapping, we risked losing the whole patch if we didn’t re-bury all the edges – by hand with shovels. That’s a job we normally do with a bed-shaping machine, but our amazing crew plus a couple friends showed up on Tuesday to help get the job done in the nick of time. A big thank you to Chris Valentine and Jana Rogers for getting in the trenches with us!!! It was over a half mile of mud-shoveling when all was said and done.

As for the Winter CSA, we were fortunate that our winter production field is some of our highest ground and the least flood-prone. We will continue to pack and deliver CSA shares as planned, albeit with a few omissions. We lost certain crops – half of our overwintered cauliflower and some of the spring raab, this week’s bed of baby arugula, plus spinach and salad mix that were supposed to go into CSA shares over the next month. We made the decision this week to suspend all of our winter wholesale sales and focus exclusively on filling CSA baskets in an effort to keep them as full and abundant as possible for you. Fortunately we've been over-filling the Winter CSA for the past five weeks, as usual, with a total value-to-date of $297 for the first half of the season. That puts us almost $30 ahead on Winter value, which will help offset some of the missing items we had hoped to include in the next two CSA deliveries. We are replanting as quickly as we can in hopes that we’ll have new green leafies by the second half of April for you, and we're bumping up our production of quick crops like micro mix to help fill gaps in the meantime. Some of those efforts are being squelched by the ongoing rain, with a wet forecast into the first part of April, so we’re taking full advantage of every square inch of our field tunnels and greenhouses right now.

Our summer CSA sold out last week, the earliest ever. We are always grateful for our CSA members, but it’s challenging moments like these that the community supported agriculture model takes our appreciation to a deeper level. The kind messages and moral support that have been "flooding" in have buoyed us, and the checks you’ve been sending for the upcoming summer season will provide much-needed capital this spring to help us rebuild and make repairs, in addition to affording seeds, amendments, and spring labor when our other sales channels (farmstand and wholesale) are dormant. Our CSA members are part of what makes Valley Flora resilient. Thank you.

Every Wednesday I drop my daughter off at school in the early morning for Jazz Band practice and then have a habit of taking a run on the beach with my dog. Last Wednesday our next storm was ramping up and the south wind was already blowing a stiff 30 mph when I pulled up at the South Jetty. As I laced my shoes I hesitated, wondering if I had it in me to battle a headwind after the previous two days’ physical and emotional marathon of flood clean-up. Off we went anyway, Juno bounding gleefully through the whitewash, the ocean the color of milk chocolate from all the runoff in the Coquille. I ground through 2.5 miles, head down and pushing into the wind. But at my turn-around spot at Johnson Creek, I rounded a big split boulder and started heading back, the stiff headwind suddenly a tailwind. It swept me forward effortlessly and we coasted easily back to the jetty, Juno leaping and playing in delight. It occurred to me then that sometimes it's the first mile that's the hardest, not the last.

Not to jinx ourselves, but maybe the coming season will be something akin: we’ve got our heads down right now, working against a big headwind of flood damage and ongoing frozen federal grants. But maybe all that new topsoil will carry us into a vibrant, abundant season - a silver lining tailwind like none other. Here's hoping.



Our CSA is SOLD OUT for the 2025 Season!

Thank you to everyone who has joined our CSA for the upcoming season!


We are now SOLD OUT, but if you missed the boat please add your name to our WAITING LIST so we can contact you if a spot becomes available this season, and when we start sign-ups again next winter.


Remember, if you have SNAP (an Oregon Trail card), you're eligible for Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB), which will pay for half of your Valley Flora CSA share! 


CSA Newsletter: Week 16 from Valley Flora!

Please note this is NOT our farmstand availability email. This is our weekly CSA newlsetter primarily intended for our subscribed Harvest Basket members who receive a weekly box of produce from the farm from June through December. You cannot order farmstand produce from this email or directly from our website. Rather, farmstand availability emails are sent out on Thursday and Monday mornings to folks who have signed up for Wednesday or Saturday pickup, respectively. To learn more or sign up for a farmstand pickup day, click here.

  • Napa Cabbage - the foundational ingredient in kimchi, but also wonderful shredded into light slaw or salad. At this time of year when we have sweet peppers and apples, I like to make a napa/apple/pepper/carrot slaw with a rice-vinegar vinaigrette.
  • Carrots
  • Sweet Corn
  • Lettuce
  • Yellow Onion
  • Sweet Peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Beets - Red, Gold and Chioggia
  • Strawberries - we are stunned by the strawberries right now. Abundant, beautiful, better than ever! Normally there wouldn't be strawberries in the Harvest Basket at this point in the season, but they just keep giving! U-pick is going to be FANTASTIC today (Wednesday)!
  • Cucumbers

On Rotation:

  • Eggplant

I can't believe it, but yes, still strawberries! We are a bit baffled by this late season run in the berry patch - we haven't seen anything like this in years! If we get our much-hoped-for rain later this week it might start to slow them down, but right now they are phenomenal. Come upick today, starting at 11 am! And if you want a special order flat, let me know and we'll see if the weather cooperates: name, pickup location, number of flats and phone number.

Peppers Peaking: Now's the time to order up a few bags of red Italian roasters or assorted colored bells. Peppers are available in 5 pound bags for $22. To order, email Bets your name, pickup location, type and quantity of peppers you want, and a phone number. 

Help Support Farmworkers and Immigrants Impacted by the Devastating Wildfires: The wildfires have affected us all, but many of us are lucky enough to still have a home to go to. That's not the case for many immigrant Oregonians who tend to be most impacted by the smoke, have lost everything and don't have a safety net to fall into. In recognition of the devastating effects that wildfires have had on immigrant Oregonians, the Oregon Worker Relief Fund Coalition is pivoting to raise and distribute funds to impacted individuals and families. You can donate to their effort through CAUSA, Oregon's immigrant rights organization.

Strength and safekeeping to everyone in the terrifying path of fire right now, and to all those coping with hazardous air quality. We give thanks for clear air overhead today, temporary as it might be. Come on rain!


CSA Newsletter: Week 15 from Valley Flora

Please note this is NOT our farmstand availability email. This is our weekly CSA newlsetter primarily intended for our subscribed Harvest Basket members who receive a weekly box of produce from the farm from June through December. You cannot order farmstand produce from this email or directly from our website. Rather, farmstand availability emails are sent out on Thursday and Monday mornings to folks who have signed up for Wednesday or Saturday pickup, respectively. To learn more or sign up for a farmstand pickup day, click here.

  • Carrots
  • Eggplant
  • Head Lettuce
  • Red Onions
  • Hot Peppers - Jalapeño & Serranos (1 red serrano & 1 green serrano)
  • Sweet Peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Strawberries

On Rotation:

  • Collard Greens
  • Lacinato Kale
  • Sweet Corn
  • Zucchin

Bulk Sweet Peppers Available by Special Order!

It's that happy time of year when the sweet peppers are coming out of the greenhouse by the bucketload! Now's the time to order up a few bags of red Italian roasters or assorted colored bells. Peppers are available in 5 pound bags for $22. To order, email Bets your name, pickup location, type and quantity of peppers you want, and a phone number. If you can manage to not eat them all raw, you can preserve peppers in a myriad of ways, listed here from easiest to most advanced:

  • Chop and freeze. No blanching necessary. Just cut 'em up and throw 'em in a freezer bag. Adds color and great flavor to soups, stir-fries and other dishes come winter.
  • Roast, peel and freeze. A great addition to soups, quiches, pasta, pizza, sandwiches and more all winter. Here's a quick tutorial on three different ways to roast peppers:
  • Roast, peel and pickle:
    • I make pickled roasted peppers every year but use a brine recipe that doesn't call for much sugar or other spices: For 3.5 pounds of peppers (roated, peeled, cored and seeded), mix 1.75 cups white wine vinegar or distilled white vinegar, 1Tbs sugar, 2 Tbs pickling salt, 1 garlic clove chopped. Simmer all together for 10 minutes before pouring over packed peppers in sterilized canning jars. Leave 1/2" headspace, close jars with hot canning lids and rings, and process jars in boiling water bath for 10 minutes.

It feels awkward to be talking about fire-roasted peppers on this apocalyptic day, when I woke up to the heavy news of so many Oregon, Washington and California towns and forests burned to the ground. Never has fire threat - and climate change - felt so close to home. Temperatures reached over 100 degrees on the farm yesterday, and we were cloaked in low heavy smoke. There was a fire scare up Floras Creek yesterday morning, attended by a bunch of Coos Forest Patrol trucks zooming up the road first thing. Fortunately it was a false alarm. But numerous friends had to evacuate their homes, from the North Bank of the Coquille to the Santiam to Ashland. Our hearts are big and broken thinking about the devastation that is sweeping through our state, and for our neighbors north and south of our state borders.

Yesterday as we labored through harvest under the suffocating skies, I felt a level of disappointment in our species like never before. This is our only planet, our only home, our only chance to be human, and yet we can't quite seem to turn the ship. We watch while the "house" burns down. What does it take for something as big as climate change to finally hit home for enough people that we reach a critical mass to change behavior, shift policy and foment change, and to do it fast? When you live here on the southcoast where the temperatures are amicable, the cool, damp fog is just off-shore, the forests are green, it's easy to think climate change is something that's happening somewhere else. It's hard to imagine our corner of the world engulfed in flames. But yesterday I could imagine it, and east of Bandon some of it was. 

Food and agriculture are major drivers of climate change and I applaud all of you for making the choice to eat locally and to eat lots of veggies (that are grown mostly with solar power, thanks to the 12 kW PV system on the roof of our barn). Twenty years ago my concern about the environment and climate change was one of the motivating factors that led me into organic, regenerative farming: I wanted to do something that was positive for the planet and good for my community. It's great that something delicious can make a difference, but at this point it's going to take more than a local salad to double down on atmospheric carbon. Yes, pile your plates high with plants grown close to home and start your car as little as possible, but also elect leaders who take the climate crisis seriously. And most importantly, hold on to stubborn, purposeful optimism. Because we won't turn the ship unless we believe we can, and will.


CSA Newsletter: Week 14 from Valley Flora!

Please note this is NOT our farmstand availability email. This is our weekly CSA newlsetter primarily intended for our subscribed Harvest Basket members who receive a weekly box of produce from the farm from June through December. You cannot order farmstand produce from this email or directly from our website. Rather, farmstand availability emails are sent out on Thursday and Monday mornings to folks who have signed up for Wednesday or Saturday pickup, respectively. To learn more or sign up for a farmstand pickup day, click here.

  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • Eggplant
  • Red Onion
  • Sweet Peppers - all the peppers in your share are sweet Italian types this week; no hot peppers....:)
  • Red Potatoes - the first dig of the season. I have a love-hate relationship with potatoes. I love growing them (it's something we do almost entirely with horses, from planting, to cultivating, to harvest, so therefore I wish we could grow 20 acres of potatoes!). But I hate all the sorting. When you grow potatoes, especially organically, there are a LOT of impefect ones - cracks, holes, scurf, funny knobs, insect damage, greening here and there. So many ugly little tubers that are pefectly fine on the inside but don't meet my produce beauty standards on the outside. I realize that I am perpetuating the supermodel myth of beauty, and that we all know it's what's on the inside that counts, but it's hard to liberate myself from my own vegetable pageant standards. It means we dump bin-fulls of the ugliest spuds, we donate a lot to the foodbank, and finally we try to skim the cream for you. That said, even some of the not-so-pretty ones get by us in the hustle of wash and pack. If that's the case with some of your potatoes this week, I am going to try to not apologize right now and instead encourage you to get out your veg peeler. If any of your spuds have a green spot, it's safe to cut or peel away that spot and still eat the potato. You wouldn't want to eat 5 lbs of greened potatoes in a sitting, but if you're cutting off a spot here and there you'll be fine (greening indicates the presence of solanine, a natural but toxic compound that develops in potatoes when exposed to the sun). You'll see potatoes in your share every few weeks now for the rest of the season. Which, by the way, is halfway over! This is week 14 of 28!
  • Strawberries
  • Zucchini
  • Tomatoes
  • Parsley

On Rotation:

  • Melon - We surprised our Bandon and Port Orford members last Saturday with a melon (and in fact, stumped one member who emailed me to say: "There's something in my share I don't's round, dense, tan, and looks like a melon..."). Her hunch was right, this is "Sarah's Choice," a delicious cantaloupe-type melon that Abby grows for us. Supremely sweet and aromatic, we look forward to these all year!
  • Corn
  • Lettuce

Strawberries Still Peaking!

I can't believe I get to say this, but the strawberries are still pumping! What an amazing, quasi-miraculous late season we're having. Usually by now they're slowing down and We the Farmers are glad for it. But yesterday's harvest might just have been the best of the year. When the fruit is that beautiful and abundant it's hard to resent all the crawling on your knees ("oh please sir, can't I pick another row?). That being the case, I'm putting out the call (probably the last time) for special order flats. If you want some, give a holler via email with your name, pickup location, number of flats you want, and your phone number. Flats are $45 apiece delivered to your pickup site.

OR, come u-pick! The u-pick crowd has thinned out because no one thinks of September as strawberry season, but here at Valley Flora it's better than ever! Wednesdays and Saturdays from 11am to 2:30pm.


Pickling Cukes on the Horizon

Our late planting of pickling cukes has just begun to produce. I dont know what kind of yield to expect, but if you're interested in pickling, email me your name, pickup location, quantity (in 10# increments), and your phone number. If we have plenty we'll be offering 10 pound bulk bags for $30. They are a small, European-style gherkin, great for pickles or fresh eating.


CSA Newsletter: Week 13 from Valley Flora!

  • Rainbow Chard
  • Beets
  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • Eggplant
  • Serrano & Jalapeño Peppers
  • Sweet Peppers
  • Strawberries
  • Zucchini
  • Tomatoes
  • Sweet Corn

On Rotation:

  • Green Beans
  • Head Lettuce

All of this bounty at our fingertips all day long, and then there's this....

The Dirty Secrets of Organic Farmers (a new segment in your weekly CSA newsletter!)

Last week, my mom was deep into her 12th hour of a 14 hour workday, buried in tomatoes, her brain on the fritz from not eating all day, and she dug this gourmet gem of a lunch out of the freezer (left by a houseguest at least a year prior, nicely freezer-burned around the edges...). I walked into the barn at 7 pm for the final stretch of packout and had to take the picture.

Whatever you might imagine about organic farmers sitting around a big lunch table leisurely eating beautiful family-style meals bursting with seasonal produce, yeah, you can pretty much scrub that from your mental imagery. It's leftovers from the night before when you're lucky enough to have cooked plenty of extra quinoa, or it's quick quesadillas and some salad, or in this case, when things get really dark, it's freezer-burned pre-fab pizza that not even the dogs will try to steal off the table. 

We have often mused about the irony that attends this time of year, when we're buried in beautiful produce but don't have any time to cook with it (much less eat it): wouldn't it be great if some chef or inspired cook wanted to take a sabbatical, come camp out at the farm for a summer and make the crew a meal once a day with whatever was ripe in the field? Or in the very least, if we could just get a taco truck to pull up to the barn around 2 pm each day.....Meals on Wheels for farmers!

Ah well, in the meantime, we'll get by with the sweet pepper eaten at a trot in the farmroad while hustling to get the cilantro harvested before the heat of the day presses in. That, and of course, quesadillas.

Split Screen - What our CSA members are doing with their produce:




CSA Newsletter: Week 12 from Valley Flora!

  • Strawberries
  • Carrots
  • Walla Walla Sweet Onions
  • Red Cabbage
  • Sweet Corn!!!!! - Corn season kicks off this week! We have five successive plantings in the field, so expect to see sweet corn in your share pretty often for the next month+! I don't think you'll have too much trouble eating this much corn fresh in a week (or a day) - steamed, grilled, raw! - but if it's too much for you I suggest freezing it. You can either cut it off the cob and freeze it raw, or blanch it for a minute in boiling water and then cut if off and freeze it. I like to spread the cut corn out on cookie sheets and freeze it, then put it into freezer bags (so it's not a solid frozen block when you go to use it in the winter). 
  • Cucumbers
  • Zucchini
  • Tomatoes
  • Cilantro

On Rotation:

  • Eggplant
  • Green Beans
  • Lettuce - Not everyone will get a head of lettuce this week. As the days shorten dramatically in August, our lettuce slows down and we usually have to hit pause for a week or two in order for our successive plantings to catch up. Once it resumes we should have weekly lettuce for you again well into November.


Onion Harvest!

This week we completed the harvest of our 2020 onion crop, a process that involves pulling them out of the ground, loading them into the trailer, hauling them to the greenhouse, and finally laying them out on our propagation tables to dry and cure. It was a beautiful year for onions! They got a great start this spring thanks to weekly rainfall in May and early June and ideal growing temps. Every square inch of greenhouse space that isn't dedicated to seedlings and starts is covered in onions now. Once the onion tops are crispy-dry, we'll start cleaning them: snipping off the tops and roots, sorting them by size into bins, and stowing them in our dry storage room. It's the first crop that begins to fill our fall/winter treasure chest of storage crops: onions, winter squash, potatoes. Look for some new varieties of onions in your Havest Basket soon: Cipollinis, yellow onions and red onions coming your way!

Have a great week! Thanks for eating VF produce!


CSA Newsletter: Week 11 from Valley Flora!

In This Week's Harvest Basket:

  • Romano Green Beans - flat and wide and tender and deeeeeeelicious! Give them a light steam or sautee for maximal enjoyment (don't overcook!).
  • Kale
  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • Lettuce
  • Walla Walla Sweet Onions
  • Strawberries
  • Zucchini
  • Tomatoes
  • Broccoli - monster heads!!!! And probably the last of the summer harvest, so enjoy. Until fall, Señor Broccoli! (Although this week's heads are so big you might still be gnawing away at yours come September...)

On Rotation:

  • Eggpant

Pickling Cucumber Update, Plus Beans, Plus Strawberries...

I've been getting lots of inquiries about pickling cukes this summer. We had a banner year in 2019, so it goes without saying that we would have a complete crop failure this summer. There are none to offer at the moment, HOWEVER, we replanted and with slightly better luck should have an abundance starting in September. I know that's probably later than many of you usually make pickles but if you're willing to wait we should have lots in about a month. That gives you plenty of time to round up your dill seed and pickling salt and crocks and canning jars. 

Green Beans are pumping and are available by special order in 10# bags at our wholesale price of $50. 'Tis the time for dilly beans, canned beans, frozen beans, or just eating a heap of beans. To order, email us your name, pickup location, the number of 10# bags you want and a phone number.

Strawberries are so lovely and abundant right now it's hard to stop picking on Tuesday and Friday! We're almost caught up with our special order list, so if you'd like to order some by the flat we can probably take care of you this month. Flats are $45 each. Email us your name, pickup location, the number of flats you'd like and a phone number.

A reminder to everyone to check labels carefully on special orders and on salad shares before you take them home. There have been some mix-ups in the past few weeks that could have been easily prevented by taking a few seconds to double check labels. Thanks for your help!

Enjoy the August abundance!


CSA Newsletter: Week 10 from Valley Flora!

Week 10!

  • Onions
  • Fennel - at last! Our first planting intended for the CSA baskets in June succumbed to some weird foliar disease, so the fennel has been a long time coming this season. I'm a huge fan of fennel - which I know not to be true of every human on the planet - but it's one of my top ten favorite veggies. It has a mild anise flavor, wonderful cooked down or sliced thinly and eaten raw. The fat, juicy bulb is the main part of the plant we eat, but you can also use the ferny tops as an herb. This week you have all the farm ingredients you need to make finocchioa wonderful summer dish built around fennel, tomatoes, onions and basil. It stands alone, or you can eat it atop pasta, fish, polenta and more. We have a pretty broad collection of fennel recipes on our website if you want to branch out further.
  • Beets
  • Lettuce
  • Strawberries
  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • Zucchini
  • Tomatoes
  • Basil

On Rotation:

  • Broccoli/Broccolini
  • Eggplant - Just starting to yield in the field! 
  • Heirloom Tomatoes
  • Green Beans

Beautiful Flowers and Handsome Roosters!

Zinnias, dahlias, statice, strawflowers, sunflowers, black-eyed susans and more! The flowers are in full bloom on the farm and open for u-pick on Wednesdays and Saturdays starting at 11 am while the strawberry u-pick is open. If you come to u-pick, you might even get to enjoy the company of our oh-so-social resident farm rooster, Robinson (aka Ricky Bobby). He's really more like a dog than a chicken: he follows at your heels, comes when called and likes to share your lunch. He showed up out of the blue at the farm in June and has stuck around, making himself comfy in our equipment shed. I hate to admit just how fond I've become of a rooster, but really, what's not to love about a chicken that likes to ride in the car, socialize over lunch, and look handsome in the moments in between...


CSA Newsletter: Week 9 from Valley Flora!

Please note to all our customers who are receiving this newsletter: this is NOT the list of available farmstand produce for the week. This weekly BeetBox newsletter is primarily aimed at our CSA Harvest Basket members who receive a weekly pre-paid tote of produce for our 28-week CSA season. There has been some confusion among folks who are trying to order farmstand produce from this email. Our weekly farmstand availability emails get sent out separately to everyone who has signed up for a farmstand drive-thru pickup day on our website. All that info - in case you want to source farmstand produce - is here. Thank you!

In the Harvest Basket this Week:

  • Broccoli
  • Chard
  • Carrots - Your carrots will likely be coming loose by the pound from now on. At a certain point in the season bunching gets slow and difficult because the carrot tops get weak. We dig fresh poundage for you every week and leave the tops in the field to feed the soil microbiota.
  • Cucumbers
  • Italian Parsley
  • Head Lettuce
  • Red Long of Tropea Torpedo Onions - a specialty onion from Italy that doesn't cure or store well, but is wonderful fresh! If you had a handful more of them you could set them up as bowling pins....:)
  • Strawberries - they're back!
  • Zucchini
  • Tomatoes - It's on in the tomatoes! Bets, mi madre, is the tomato farmer (she also grows your zukes, cukes, parsley, basil and peppers) and she is now officially neck deep in her busiest, heaviest season. By the way, a sidenote about my mom: she is a badass! She's in the second half of her seventh decade of life and she's still farming full bore, lugging heavy buckets of stunner produce out of the field all week. Thanks, Ma, for adding some bling to the CSA share this week!

On Rotation:

  • Cauliflower
  • Heirloom Tomatoes

Strawberry Update: Best Week Yet!

It's shaping up to be our best week of strawberries so far this season, with lots more on the way in the coming weeks. We're seeing an incredible flush of flowers and new fruit, which bodes well for abundant u-pick in August. We opened up more beds on the u-pick side of the patch this week, and anticipate being able to give even more over to u-pick soon. I wholeheartedly recommend making time to fill your freezer in the next few weeks while the picking is at its peak! The patch opens at 11 am, Wednesdays and Saturdays. If you're coming a long distance with high hopes of bringing home a big haul of berries, aim to arrive when we open.


The horses have been throwing their weight around in the field every week, doing their part to keep our crops well-cultivated and weed-free. We worked Jack single this week to get into some tight crops that are just about to close in - Brussels sprouts pictured here, as well as asparagus, artichokes, leeks, kale, chard, and more. Jack is a Belgian/Morgan crossbred, and hands-down the best horse I've ever had. He works beautifully in harness and is also just as willing to saddle up and hit the trail. He's a handsome devil, all heart, with a sense of humor to boot.



Week 8 CSA Newsletter!

In the Harvest Basket this Week:

  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • Dill
  • Lettuce
  • Red Onions
  • Zucchini
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli or Broccolini

On Rotation:

  • Tomatoes
  • Cauliflower

Flower U-Pick Opens this Week!

The flowers are coming into full bloom on the farm: dahlias, sunflowers, zinnias, statice, strawflowers and more! The public is welcome to u-pick on Wednesdays and Saturdays during the same hours we're open for strawberry u-pick (11 am until 3 pm, or until the strawberry patch is picked out). We have clippers available, but encourage you to bring your own buckets to keep your flowers fresh on the trip home. Check in with Sarah at the strawberry u-pick for clippers and to get directions to the flower patch.



Week 7 CSA from Valley Flora!

In the Harvest Basket this Week:

  • Dazzling Blue Lacinato Kale
  • Carrots
  • Lettuce
  • Walla Walla Sweet Onions - big, juicy and sweet!
  • Zucchini
  • Kohlrabi - the last of it until late fall...
  • Cilantro
  • English Cucumbers

On Rotation:

  • Broccoli
  • Broccolini
  • Cauliflower - purple or neon green

Strawberries on Pause this Week

Qué lástima (what a pity), our strawberries are having a minor hiccup right now. We're in the midst of an episode of Type III bronzing in some of our Seascapes: some of the fruit is rough, leathery and seedy, which renders it unmarketable. Type III bronzing is thought to occur after fruit exposure to environmental stress in the form of high heat (over 85 degrees), extreme solar radiation, and low humidity. We're seeing it in our youngest plants primarily, where the leafy canopy is not fully developed yet. It happens every year to some extent, but is particularly bad this week. I'm guessing the culprit was the week of hot weather we had in mid-June. It takes strawberries 4 to 6 weeks to transform from blossom to fruit, so the fruit that was just forming in mid-June is maturing into ugly seedy berries right now. Bummer. It means no strawberries in the share this week, but fingers crossed for a return to beautiful harvests in the coming weeks.

There isn't a lot of research on bronzing, and actually some controversy over whether it is caused by environmental factors or a pest called thrips. I have a call and an email in to the UC organic strawberry expert in Santa Cruz in hopes of shedding some more light on the issue. We did make an interesting observation yesterday during harvest, which was that the June-bearers, which have a huge leafy, protective canopy, show no sign of bronzing, and our most mature Seascapes have very little bronzing. However, the side of the strawberry patch that was planted latest last fall has the worst of it. It suggests that the timing of planting in the fall could make all the difference. We typically start planting our new strawberry crowns in November and finish up by mid-December. If getting them in the ground in November can prevent bronzing episodes the following summer, it argues for dedicating more labor to planting strawberries as early as possible in November. 

The good news is that the strawberry u-pick, which includes our June-bearing varieties and our most mature Seascapes, is mostly unscathed. So if you're desperate for some berries this week, venture out and experience strawberry harvest first-hand. The beds are somewhat limited right now, so plan to get there at 11 am if you have your heart set on filling a bunch of buckets.

Here's a quote I have always appreciated, as someone who has crawled countless miles picking strawberries in this lifetime:

Strawberries are too delicate to be picked by machine. The perfectly ripe ones bruise at even too heavy a human touch. It hit her then that every strawberry she had ever eaten - every piece of fruit - had been picked by calloused human hands. Every piece of toast with jelly represented someone's knees, someone's aching back and hips, someone with a bandanna on her wrist to wipe away the sweat. Why had no one told her about this before.  -- Alison Luterman, What We Came For





Week 6 CSA from Valley Flora!

In the CSA Harvest Basket this Week!

  • Chard
  • Carrots
  • Lettuce
  • Purplette Onions
  • Strawberries
  • Zucchini
  • Hakurei Turnips

On Rotation:

  • Broccoli
  • Broccolini
  • Mini Cucumbers

Want More Food?!

If you're getting through your Harvest Basket each week and still wanting for more, remember there are a couple ways to source more produce directly from the farm:

  1. Strawberry U-Pick! Open every Wednesday and Saturday starting at 11 am at the farm. The berries are sweet and red now that our summer weather has arrived. Keep in mind we have some new u-pick systems in place this season due to COVID-19, so be sure to read up about the u-pick before you come.
  2. The Farmstand Drive-ThruDue to COVID, this spring we pivoted to a new pre-order, online farmstand system with drive-thru pick-up at our barn. We're using a customer-friendly online platform called Cropolis designed for small farms selling to local markets. There is no open-air, drop-in shopping this season. Instead you sign up for a farmstand drive-thru day - Wednesday and/or Saturday - on our website. Once you do that, you'll automatically start receiving our weekly farmstand availability emails and be able to place an order for drive-thru pickup. In addition to our produce, hot sauce and jam, you can also purchase Aguirre Farms local organic eggs, Farmstead Bread and Langlois Creamery sheep milk through our new system.

And, if it's too far for you to come to the farm, you can also find our produce at the Port Orford Community Co-op, the Langlois Market, Mother's Natural Grocery and Coos Head Food Co-op each week.

Thanks for eating locally!


Week 5 from Valley Flora!

In your Harvest Basket this week:

  • Carrots
  • Dill
  • Lettuce
  • Strawberries
  • Kohlrabi
  • Mini cukes
  • Beets - some members will get sweet red beets, others will get Chioggia beets (pink skin with a pink and white bulls-eye interior)

On Rotation:

  • Broccoli
  • Broccolini
  • Zucchini
  • Arugula
  • Mizuna - mizuna is a mild, light green, serrated Asian green - wonderful as a salad or alongside a slab of fish

A few quick notes about storing your produce and keeping it perky for as long as possible:

  1. Any leafy vegetable, like lettuce, herbs, bunch greens and baby greens, do best in the fridge in a sealed up plastic bag. They like it between 34 and 40 degrees with high humidity. Broccoli, broccolini and cauliflower are the same way. Best used in the first week.
  2. Root veggies like carrots and beets, and dense veggies like kohlrabi, store the longest if you take the tops off and store in a plastic bag in the fridge. They'll keep for months without tops, but won't taste as good 3 weeks from now as they do today. 
  3. Zucchini and cukes prefer life at around 50 degrees with some humidity, but who has their fridge set to 50?! Nobody, I hope! They'll go soft on the counter, so your best bet is to put them in the fridge in a plastic bag but use them within the week before they get slimy.
  4. Strawberries will last on your counter for a day or two, and will continue ripening as they sit there. However, you can get a lot more life out of them if you keep them in a tupperware in your fridge. Not that anyone is actually making it home with a full pint of strawberries....If you are, you probably don't have kids in the backseat :)

Farm Updates

  • NEW laminated checksheets are going out to all pickup locations this week! Please mark yourself off each week with the dry erase pen!
  • BULK BASIL by SPECIAL ORDER! Primo tops, no stem, $18/pound. Pesto-lovers rejoice! To order, email Bets your:
    • Name
    • Pickup location
    • How many pounds you want
    • Daytime phone number

Farming Improv

I have one regret about college and it's that I didn't take an improv class. At the time I had my schedule packed with other classes: fiction writing workshops, sustainable development in Latin America, ecological forest management, biology, econ, statistics...

The thing I've heard over and over from friends who did enroll in improv is that it was the most valuable class they took. My friend the labor organizer, my friend the OSU farm advisor, they swear that improv has served them in life more than any other course. Darn, I guess I really blew it in undergrad.

But good news, my Stanford alumni magazine came in the mail last month and had a whole spread about the "8 Life Lessons You Can Learn from Improv: How to apply just-go-with-it wisdom to your career, realtionships and well-being." The funny thing is, some of the guiding principles of improv have been guiding the management of the farm without me realizing they had anything to do with improv. Even better news: I didn't have to pay an arm and a leg for the college credits!

  1. Pay Attention: Yup, keen observation is by far the most important skill for keeping a highly diversified farm like ours humming, and for averting occasional disaster. Everyday I'm paying attention to every detail, with eyes, ears and nose cocked to all the sensory information the farm is throwing at us - why is that row of cauliflower an imperceptibly lighter shade of green - is there fertility stress? Why is the pump cycling so often - do we have a leak somewhere in the mainline? How big are the newly budding broccoli crowns and what's the weather forecast and should we pick them today or will they hold until Friday?
  2. Don't Go it Alone: It's all about working together - one giant spontaneous choreography each day to get all the work done between dawn and dusk on the farm. We're all leaning on each other to pull off a successful season, and the energy of every single person on our crew is essential.
  3. Trust that the Scene Will Evolve: Things are in constant flux on the farm, so extremely seasonal is our model of production. It helps to remember that one setback - like symphylans in the spring Brassicas - will give way to some other success, like beautiful June carrots. We are never stuck in one failure for too long, the failures teach us how to be better farmers, and in the end the diversity of the farm carries us through. 
  4. Stay Positive: It's easy to think it's the end of the world, but it never is. The glass-half-full mindset is the place where we proactively solve problems on the farm. The pressure tank exploded? OK, I guess that means it's time to replace it, build a better pumphouse, and plumb the system smarter than we did the first time.
  5. Accept the Offer: Saying "yes" to whatever is going on at the farm lubricates the wheels of creative innovation. COVID-19 means we can't run our farmstand? OK, Coronavirus, we'll turn it into a drive-thru!
  6. The Journey is the Thing: "what makes improvisers so good at creating something out of nothing isn't as much about what they do as it is about how they do it..." We farm because we love this place, we love working together as a family, we love to eat well, and we believe in organic, regenerative agriculture and it's ability to transform communities - from the living community in our gut microbiome all the way up to how humanity interacts with this planet. Yeah, it's about growing carrots, but it's also about a whole lot more.

My advice to you this week: say yes to beets! Accept the offer (even if you are sure you don't like beets), stay positive (they really might taste good!), don't go it alone (share them with friends), trust that the scene will evolve (i.e. you won't get beets next week!), and know that the journey is the thing (you tried them and confirmed for yourself that you really still do not like beets so you decided to carve them into stamps for your kids and you made really cool vegetable art).





Week 4 from Valley Flora!

Happy official summer! It arrived with a bang this week, with temps in the mid-eighties at the farm the past couple of days - dreamy weather for all the eggplant and squash and corn and beans and tomatoes and melons; a little less dreamy for all the sweaty farmers. Grateful to have legs that can march me down to the creek and throw me into the drink late-afternoon!

In your share this week:

  • Red Ursa Kale - at last! Our new plantings of kale and chard are hitting full stride now, which means we can finally leave the bitter taste of spring symphylans crop failure behind us. Red Ursa is an heirloom variety that I love for it's beautiful colors and tender leaves, and it's a great variety to use for kale chips. One of our farmstand customers is a kale chip fiend and she shared her recipe, below, with me. If you don't have a food dehydrator, you can also make kale chips in your oven on low heat:
  • Bunch Carrots
  • Mini Cucumbers - a little sampler of our favorite early mini-cuke. Not enough to make a dish, but enough to get you excited about cucumber season to come!
  • Abby's Spinach
  • Basil
  • Head Lettuce
  • Strawberries
  • Radishes
  • Hakurei Turnips
  • Fava Beans - the big, fat green pods in your tote are fresh favas. This is one of the not-so-common things we grow for you and the season is fleeting. You'll likely only see favas this week and maybe next week. They're a delightful fresh bean but they take a little effort to prepare, which is why I consider them a "weekend" food - one of those things that I'll cook when I have the luxury of a little more time. Ideally it's also one of those things you dig into with a bunch of friends - sit around and shell favas and talk story - but that might not be in the cards this COVID season. So....maybe shell favas while visiting friends on Zoom...? That's how I got 40 pounds of artichoke hearts preserved earlier this spring, in the Zoom company of college buddies around the country. If you're new to favas here's how to prepare them:

On Rotation:

  • Broccoli
  • Broccolini
  • Snap Peas


Cory's Kale Chips

2 bunches kale


  • 3/4 cup tahini 
  • 5 tablespoons olive oil
  • 5 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons nutritional yeast 
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (or 3/4 if you're a salt fiend like me)

Remove all main stalks from the kale and cut leaves into large pieces. Wash and dry the pieces in a salad spinner so they're fully dry. Make sure they're fully dry.

Whisk all dressing ingredients together.

If you don't have a mixing bowl big enough for all the kale pieces, use a stock pot to toss them with the dressing until all the pieces are evenly coated. This process takes several minutes, using both hands.

Lay out the coated leaves on the food dehydrator trays and set to 135 degrees. For really crispy kale chips, eave them in for 18-24 hours, but best to check on them after 8 hours and play it by ear from there. 


The 2020 Valley Flora Crew!

It's high time you met the team that's growing, packing and delivering your food this season! Pictured left to right:

Sarah Snow and Allen Williams joined us this season after 7 years farming in Idaho and Hawaii. Sarah has the hardest job on the farm: keeping track of all four of our kids during the week, along with helping with harvest and running the U-Pick. Allen is a core part of of our harvest and field crew and is in charge of Saturday deliveries. He is also regularly called upon to reach for anything stored up in the stratosphere. We feel so lucky to have these two in our midst!

Bets, Cleo, Zoë, Abby, Jules, Pippin, Uma & Roberto in a not-so-social-distanced clump in the middle. Yes, that's Cleo stuffing her face with homemade strawberry-rhubarb pie. The kids got really into baking during "homeschool" this past spring, which is paying sweet dividends on Fridays now - they've been baking Friday treat for the whole crew. In this picture, taken last Friday, we were celebrating Roberto's birthday! Roberto has been part of Valley Flora since 2010, and what beautiful decade it's been! Roberto has thrown himself into the farm heart and soul and helped make Valley Flora what it is today. 

Jen Faraci on the far right, sporting the latest Valley Flora washline fashion (you wouldn't believe how that neon orange brings out the green in her eyes!). Jen joined us this spring and wears multiple essential hats at the farm: greenhouse manager, field and harvest crew, Wednesday deliveries. She says she's wanted to work for Valley Flora for years so she could get a free VF baseball hat. Mission accomplished. Might have to get some new merch made so we can bribe her to stay forever.

Not pictured is Donna Smith, who is running the farmstand drive-thru this season. Hats off to Donna for taking on a brand new, logistically complicated system and making it run smoothly - with a smile! A round of applause!

This little farm wouldn't chug along without this team working together. And speaking of teams, there are a two more members of the crew who pull a lot of weight around here:

Enjoy the food, have a great week!



CSA Week 3 from Valley Flora!

In your share this week!

  • Strawberries
  • Kohlrabi - a green one and a purple one. If you're new to kohlrabi, it's the bulbous thing with the up-do of leaves. Cut the tops off and then peel the bulb with a sharp knife or good veggie peeler. It's juicy and crunchy inside, a little bit like jicama. I prefer it raw, but you can also add it to stir fries and other dishes. My five year old goes nuts for it cut up into veggie sticks. Douse it with chili and lime if you like it ala Mexicana!
  • Head lettuce
  • Bunch carrots
  • Sugar Snap Peas
  • Hakurei Turnips - the white roots that look like big radishes. These are a Japanese salad turnip, and pretty much the only turnip I grow because they're so dang good. Munch them like apples, or slice up on your salad. Buttery and tender. If you want an even more refined flavor, peel them.
  • Zucchini
  • Yellow onion

On Rotation:

  • Red mustards greens, bunched - lacey maroon leaves, eat raw or cooked - has a little kick!
  • Tatsoi, bunched - dark green spoon-shaped leaves, eat raw or cooked.
  • Braising mix, bagged - a mix of Abby's baby kale and mustard greens
  • Spinach, bagged - Abby's succulent baby spinach

The Color of Food

Tucked up Floras Creek it's easy to feel far removed from the headlines, from COVID hotspots and urban riots. It's easy to feel like race is not a pressing topic in our quiet, rural (mostly white) community. But this week I found myself really giving that more thought. I recently got my stimulus check in the mail and wanted to donate it to an organization doing good work on racial justice, ideally somewhere close to home. But what I realized is that there aren't any organizations that I know of to give that money to right here in Curry County. Is that because race is "not an issue," or rather is it because race has been such an issue - for so long - that we haven't even gotten to the point of addressing race constructively in our little corner of Oregon? 

I learned for the first time this year about Oregon's Exclusion Law of 1844: a law that banned Black people from living in Oregon. Another black exclusion law was enacted in 1849 that made it illegal for Blacks to to enter or reside in Oregon territory. It meant that when Oregon became a state in 1859 it was the ony state in the Union with a black exclusion law on the books, which was expanded to prohibit Black people from owning property and making contracts. These laws remained in place until 1926. Even though the same racist sentiment pervaded all of the U.S., Oregon was the only place bold enough to write it down. That wasn't part of my Oregon history class in high school.

My mom has an old letter written by a Civil War veteran who moved here in 1885, Samuel T. Malehorn. He settled on Floras Creek and started a fruit farm and nursery on the land where Valley Flora now sits. In 1896 he sent a letter to a friend and fellow war vet, encouraging him to move to the area:

"It is all timber, light and heavy, rolling land, well watered, productive, all of it adaptive to good fruit. I am 4 miles from the beach, which is about right, 15 miles north of Port Orford. There are still good choices for homesteaders near me...Deeded lands can be bought from $5 to $40 per acre now. 40 acres is enough for a family to live on. You can build your houses with one cedar tree by hand. Fish and game everywhere. There is no poisonous reptiles or insects, you can lay out under a tree anywhere safely. It is blessed and glorious country, the best in the U.S."

I've always loved that letter - such an affirmation of this place where we live and farm - but this week I realized another significance of that letter. Samuel Malehorn was a white man, inviting a fellow white comrade of the 29th Regiment to come to Oregon. He could live here - and so could his white friend - because they were white. They had access to cheap homesteads - and therefore land and the means of production - where Black people didn't. Oregon's historic racist exclusion laws set us on a course that put property ownership - and power - into the hands of white folks only. 

This history is no doubt part of the reason that your farmers here at Valley Flora are white, not black - why my family "owns" this land, not a Native American family or an African American family or a Chinese family or Latino family. We are standing on and supported by the very big, broad shoulders of institutionalized, systemic racism.

That's uncomfortable. And it's high time to be uncomfortable, since most of us probably don't have a clue what it's like to be really uncomfortable. Really uncomfortable, as in not able to breathe because a cop is kneeling on your neck because your skin is not white.

It's hard to know what to proactively do with this heavy realization, especially in June when most of my bandwidth is occupied with beating back the weeds, harvesting peas, and planting seeds left and right. But this morning I did something that felt really good. At the recommendation of a friend who has worked on racial justice issues for decades, I donated my $1200 stimulus check to the Movement for Black Lives Fund, a coalition that's made up of over 150 organizations that are working to coordinate actions, messages and campaigns for the Black Lives Matter Movement nationwide, and to funnel resources to frontline organizing efforts where they're needed most:

Martin Luther Kind, Jr. said, "Everything we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see." It's time to see what's behind the shadow.


Week 5 of Winter from Valley Flora!

  • Baby Hakurei Turnips - a "thinning" harvest, which means the turnips are petite, extra-tender, and the greens are top quality for stir-fries, sauteeing, or steaming. By doing a preliminary thinning this week, we should have larger bunches for you next time.
  • Leeks - so fat!
  • Cauliflower
  • Savoy Cabbage
  • Purple Daikon Radish - the last of the season. Peel, slice and enjoy on tacos, burrito bowls, posole, salads, or dipped in dressing!
  • Spring Raab - a combo of Lacinato and cabbage raab this week
  • Purple Sprouting Broccoli (PSB) - sometimes aphids like to hide amongst the tight buds of PSB during the winter. A great way to get rid of them is to soak your florets in salty water for 10-15 minutes and then rinse them off with fresh water. Add 1 tsp salt per 1 quart water in a bowl or your sink and submerge the broccoli (this also works with any other type of produce where aphids are keen to congregate: kale, cauliflower, regular heading broccoli and broccolini, Brussels sprouts, etc). You can also make a white vinegar solution instead of salt to similar effect.
  • Painted Purple Potatoes
  • Pea Shoots
  • Italian Parsley
  • Bunched Spinach
  • Autumn Frost Winter Squash

Only THREE CSA Basket Left for our Upcoming Summer Season!

As of last count, we only have three Harvest Baskets left before we're sold out for the the 2025 Summer Season (heads up if you've been procrastinating on signing up!). If you want to eat crazy-fresh-and-tasty veggies, avoid the grocery store stickershock, and vote with your fork for local family farming and a resilient, community-forward food system, grab your CSA share today before it's too late!

Sign Up Here!

Grant Freeze Update from the Farm:

Two of the federal grants we received last year to make upgrades at the farm continue to be frozen by the federal government. It's been a part-time job the past six weeks trying to get our funds released so that we can get reimbursed for the $90,000 in projects we have in the works (a new tractor with pallet forks and a battery back-up system for our solar array that would keep our coolers running and our produce safe during power outages). So far the new administration has flouted two judicial orders demanding that these Congressionally-appropriated funds be reinstated to farms across the country. The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) that was supposed to fund our battery backup project has $600 million in signed contracts with farmers across the country right now, all to support solar installations and energy efficiency projects. The entirety of that funding is currently frozen (somewhat ironically) by President Trump's "Unleashing American Energy" Executive Order. We continue to advocate, agitate, and organize with farmers around the state and country to get this illegal action reversed so we can move forward with these projects that are intended to increase the capacity and the resiliency of the farm and our local food system. Please add your voice if you haven't already by sending a message to Congress:

Photo of the Week: Avocadoes in the Orchard!

Mexicola is an avocado variety that's hardy down to 20 degrees, so it stands a chance to survive here on the coast. Inherent gamblers that we are, we planted four of them (they need each other for pollination) last week, and one of the trees arrived already loaded with hundreds of baby avocadoes the size of little raisins. We'll see if they can hack it on Floras Creek, and if they can, holy-moly there might be homegrown guacamole in your CSA future! :)




Take Action! Speak up for Farmers and Communities!!!



So many of you wrote to me on the heels of yesterday's Beet Box asking how you could help, given the slew of challenges we're facing at the local, state and national level right now. Thank you to each and every one of you for caring, and for reaching out to help!

Here are three things you can do right now at the county, state and national level:

County Level:

Join or support the Kalmiopsis Audubon Society (KAS). This is our local Audubon chapter, but it's not all about birds. Led by the incredible Ann Vileisis (volunteer mayor of Port Orford, author, and tireless conservation activist), KAS has served as the primary conservation advocacy group in Curry County for the last 40 years, educating and organizing for the wise stewardship of our rivers, forests and natural resources here on the Southcoast. Four-hundred members strong, KAS helps inform and rally people around critical issues affecting this place we all love. Ann sends out a monthly "Hoot Out" email, which is full of excellent info, events, and calls to action. It's the best way to stay in the loop on important County issues, and to become part of a strong network of locals who care deeply about the Southcoast. There are a lot of concerning things going on at the county level right now (budget shortfalls, a missing $2.2 million dollars of federal grant money, and a proposal to unconstitutionally take over all the federal lands in the county). We need more voices and hands on deck. There will be a slew of new info on the KAS website in the next two days detailing the Curry County Board of Commissioners federal lands takeover proposal, and next steps to move the county in a more productive direction. Ann, who puts in 80 hours a week between mayoral work and KAS, is toiling as we speak to get the website up to date with the all the latest, so check in there this weekend  (and join KAS while you're at it:!

State Level:

Support Friends of Family Farmers. They are the statewide organization doing the most to advocate for farms like ours, lobbying for legislative solutions to some of the most pressing issues farmers face in Oregon right now - water, small scale meat processing, and access to land and capital. You can donate and/or sign up for their newsletter. They are holding their annual "Small Farms Mean Business" Rally Day at the capitol next TUESDAY, MARCH 4th! If you can get yourself to Salem, it will be a great opportunity to learn about the issues, adovocate for family farms, and meet with our legislators. Register here!

National Level:

The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) is taking action on the federal funding freeze on behalf of farmers and the communities we feed. NSAC is collecting our stories and has an action button to make it easy to email our representatives in DC about this issue right now. It takes less than 3 minutes! Congress is failing our farms: tell your Reps to take action now!

Thanks everyone for making our voice stronger!


Week 4 of Winter!

  • Last of the Apples! - Enjoy the final distribution of Goldrush and Fuji!
  • Yellow Potatoes
  • Leek, leeks, leeks! - It wasn't our best year for storage onions, but the leeks have made up for it! Big and fat and abundant!
  • Purple Sprouting Broccoli - our first little harvest of the season
  • Lacinato Raab - Our overwintered kale is starting to stretch skyward and make tasty little flower buds, which we call spring "raab." This is the final gift from kale plants that have been in the ground for a full year, and perhaps the best treat of all. Great steamed or roasted until crispy-browned.
  • Cauliflower - The first harvest of overwintered cauliflower, which always feels quasi-miraculous. 
  • Red and Gold Beets
  • Candystick Delicata Squash
  • Butternut Squash
  • Lettuce & Spinach Salad Mix - If ever there was a labor of love, it's the winter salad mix! Lots of hours spent stooped on our knees for harvest, and another half day of washing, but oh the glory of a vibrant winter salad!
  • Micro Mix - we're trialing a bunch of new micro varieties, so the mix this week is a little bit of everything!

Life on the farm is always dictated by the weather, but even more so in the winter. Right now work is pretty cleanly split into two categories: the rainy-day and the dry-day list. Dry days are all about pruning fruit trees and blueberry bushes, starting with the early-to-bloom plums and peaches, moving to pears, and finally apples. We're also juggling a long list of other "off-season" projects: new fencing, irrigation improvements, greenhouse upgrades, and building barn doors for the tote storage shed we completed last month:

Rainy-day work is far-ranging in content, but centered in the office: it always involves finishing the crop plan for the season to come, getting the last of our seeds ordered and organized, managing CSA sign-ups, and doing lots of member communications. But this year the office list is stretching longer than ever. We have a couple of grants to apply for before mid-March (state funds, not unpredictable federal dollars this time). We're in the midst of importing another Toyota Hiace pickup from Japan - a lot of paperwork, but worth it for the best farm rig ever built: diesel 4WD, 1 ton capacity, fold down sides (so it converts to a full flatbed), a ten foot bed (for hauling lots of veggies! lumber! metal roofing! pallets of stuff!), but still compact for our small farm. Of course I wish it was electric, but until they invent that fantasy farm rig, my flame will burn for the Toyota Hiace. Here's a pic of Yoshi, the first one we imported last fall:

It's also been a super busy season of policy and legislative activism at the county, state and federal levels: It's almost daily that I'm submitting written testimony to the legislature regarding various bills under consideration in Salem to protect land use laws, improve water law, promote programs for farmers, immigrants, and low income communities, and support policies that underwrite more resilient local food systems in our state. Meanwhile the Curry County Board of Commissioners has many of us working overtime in an effort to steer them away from a misguided proposal to take over and clearcut our federal lands, and instead help brainstorm proposals for sustainable revenue generation for the county. Add to that the federal funding freeze, which is still impacting the farm and has me in daily correspondence with Congressional staffers, the Governor's office, farmer organizations and other farmers. There's a lot to do on all these fronts (please let me know if you want to plug in in any way, we need more voices!).

But one look at the weather forecast this week means pruning is going to win out, in spite of the pile-up on my desk (with the exception of some time-sensitive testimony that will get written somehow, by burning another other end of the, if only they could make a candle with more than two ends...).

There is also one other kind of weather that creates its very own kind of purpose: wet and very cold, which equals very cold and very snowy in the mountains. When that forecast shows up on my phone, you can bet money that this is where you'll find most of the Valley Flora family, in varying states of glee: 

After all, everyone needs a snow day now and then :)




Week 3 of Winter CSA!

  • Lacinato Kale
  • Leeks
  • Shallots
  • Potatoes
  • Purple Daikon Radish - I'm falling more and more in love with these! Mild, sweet flavor and beautiful lavender starburst within. So good on tacos, burrito bowls, salads, or straight up with dip!
  • Mustard Greens - tender bunched mustards from our greenhouses
  • Red Cabbage
  • Apples - Fuji and Goldrush
  • Italian Parsley
  • Autumn Frost Winter Squash
  • Radish Micro Mix

The cold has been COLD, but they days are stretching inevitably longer (3-4 more minutes every day, 10 hours and 26 minutes of daylight today!). It means we're officially out of the Persephone Period now that we're getting more than ten hours of light, and that's a significant turning point when you're a plant. It's the trigger for many of our overwintered crops to bolt. We often think of bolting as a bad thing, but it's a natural, essential part of a plant's lifecycle in its ultimate hardwired urge to reproduce and make seed. In the case of leafy plants like kale, their impulse to shoot skyward and form flower buds gives us Spring raab. If you're a purple sprouting broccoli plant, the lengthening days trigger you to send neon purple broccoli shoots out of your leafy crown. And if you're an overwintering cauliflower, the end of Persephone induces you to unfurl your tight wrapper leaves and reveal a dense, heavy head of snow white cauliflower to the world. Nothing short of magical!

You'll likely start to see all of these new items in your CSA share next time, by which point the days will be almost 11 hours long! For that part of a farmer's soul that relishes the shorter days of winter and the little bit of respite they offer, the longer days are met with mild reluctance. But the tilt of the earth always prevails and Spring will sweep us off our feet and carry us into the glory of summer, willingly and giddy.

In the meantime enjoy these dense foods of winter, and stay warm!

CSA Sign-Ups are Underway for Returning CSA Members!

We are currently signing up our returrning 2024 CSA membership for the upcoming 2025 season (our "summer season," June through December). If you were a member last year and have not received a sign-up email from us, please be in touch so we can help you get signed up! If you are on our waiting list, we will be contacting you after February 20th when we start sign-ups for new members. If you are not on our waiting list yet and would like to be notified when new member sign-ups begin, add your name here!


Week 2 of Winter CSA

  • Leeks
  • Beets: Red and Gold - Try this wonderful marinated beet recipe sent to us by a friend up Elk River: (my daughter Cleo, who is NOT a fan of beets, said at the dinner table on Monday, "Now THAT's the kind of beet I would eat if I was going to eat a beet." At which point she put a pile of beets on her plate and tucked in. I tried to play it cool in hopes of belying the internal beet victory party going on inside my head. Thank you, Georgeanne (sharer of Christmas Beet recipe)!
  • Goldrush Apples - Hands-down, our favorite apple of all time - for it's complex sweet-tart flavor, great texture, versatility (fresh eating or baking), and profoundly long storage life.
  • Yellow Potatoes
  • Chioggia Radicchio - the last of the radicchio....not sure how I'll survive the rest of winter...
  • Butternut Squash
  • Lacinato Kale - tender new growth shooting skyward as the days lengthen...
  • Savoy Cabbage
  • Radish Microgreens
  • Winter Lettuce Mix - a pretty little pile of salad from our high tunnels, such a treat when it's 29 degrees and frozen solid outside!

Addendum to Last Week's Newsletter: One Stroke of a Pen, 3 Trillion Upended

If you read last week's newsletter (copied below in case you didn't), you know that we've been spearheading a bunch of exciting initiatives at Valley Flora thanks to a handful of competitive federal grants that we were awarded last year: a $48,000 grant that enables us to supply produce to local foodbanks over three years; a $50,000 grant for a 60hp tractor with forks to help with materials handling; and a $20,000 grant to cover half the cost of installing a battery backup system on our solar array for disaster preparedness and resiliency. Unfortunately all funds for these projects were suspended yesterday as part of the government's freeze on federal grants, in spite of repeated promises from grant administrators over the past two months that our funding was safe. Here on Floras Creek we are trying to navigate the same confusion and concern that local and state governments, federal agencies, schools, non-profits, social service providers, health care centers, and private businesses alike are all suddenly facing. The chief concern for the farm is that we're dealing with reimbursement grants, meaning we don't receive all of our promised grant funds until final project reporting is complete. That means the farm has been fronting the cost of these projects under the assumption that we will be paid back this spring, as per our signed contracts with the federal government. But suddenly the question of reimbursement is up in the air and none of our grant administrators have any answers yet, even though all of these funds were appropriated by an act of Congress under its constitutional authority to control the purse strings.

Ironically, and bitterly, today was a day I've been looking forward to for years: it's the day we were scheduled to have our battery backup system finally installed at the barn. A battery backup system that would allow us farmers to sleep a little better at night, knowing that the produce we work so hard to grow, harvest and clean for you is safe and sound in a cooler that won't go dead during a power outage. A battery backup system that would strengthen our little local food system and buffer against increasingly extreme weather and wildfire. Amidst all the chaos that the two page OMB memo caused yesterday, we had to cancel today's installation and are currently researching whether we can return the $24,000 battery system we've already purchased and get a refund from the manufacturer.

Or will we get left footing the whole bill for a new tractor and an uninstalled battery bank, funding withheld by a federal government that believes these pragmatic projects are "advancing Marxist equity, transgenderism, and green new deal social engineering policies [and are] a waste of taxpayer dollars that does not improve the day-to-day lives of those we serve" (Matthew Vaeth, acting director of the Office of Managment and Budget as quoted in the January 27th memo). Respectfully Sir, then who do you serve? Because I'm pretty sure our crew, our CSA members, all our farm customers, and our rural community as a whole would be well served by these fundamental improvements at Valley Flora.

As of 11 am Wednesday, news outlets are reporting that the federal grant freeze has been rescinded in the face of massive pressure from around the country, but our grant administrators are still unclear what lies ahead. One thing is for sure: I'll be spending the rest of this sunny day in the office, submitting expenditure reports to USDA in hopes we can get some reimbursement funds flowing our way before the cart gets upended by another sloppy stroke of the pen.


Last Week's Newsletter, in case you didn't read it....

Thank You Joe: Big Leaps Forward at Valley Flora Thanks to Biden

As the new year gets underway on Floras Creek, we’re catching our breath, looking back, looking ahead, and feeling gratitude. A lot of big things happened this past year on the farm, much of which we didn’t have time or bandwidth to share with you in the hustle of the season. But as a new government takes the helm today, we wanted to catch you up on some big investments that were made possible by innovative USDA funding, and what that means for our business and our community moving forward.

Our kind of small, diversified farm has always had to scrabble at the edges for limited USDA resources. Farms that produce commodity crops like corn, soy, wheat, cotton, canola, tobacco, sugar beets, etc. receive government subsidy checks and crop insurance payments every year, equaling about 16% ($70 billion) of the total federal Farm Bill budget (see pie chart below). Meanwhile, “specialty” crops (i.e. fruit and vegetables - that’s us) are lumped into a category that receives less than 1% of total Farm Bill funding (that tiny slice of the pie that also includes forestry, rural development, research, credit, and the catch-all category, “miscellaneous”). All to say, Valley Flora has never received much money from the USDA, except for the conservation programs we’re enrolled in (like planting trees along our streambank, for which they send us a token $47 check each year). 

Source: USDA Economic Research Service Based on Congressional Budget Office, Direct Spending Effects for the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 Farm Bill), December 11, 2018

While commodity programs and crop insurance have still been amply funded under the Biden administration, he also made it a priority to invest in local and regional food production, better food access for low-income communities, and clean energy/climate-smart agriculture. To this end, he empowered the USDA to roll out the most impactful set of grant programs I’ve ever seen for farms like ours. Realizing it might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I put my nose to the grindstone last winter and cranked out a slew of grant proposals for these new USDA programs. A number of our proposals were selected and so began a very exciting phase of opportunity and investment at Valley Flora. Here’s a glimpse of what we’re doing with these special federal funds, some of which are still coming down the pipeline.


$48,000 over Three Years to Supply Local Foodbanks and Community Fridges

The Local Food Purchase Assistance Cooperative Agreement Program is a whole lot of words, and it means a whole lot of veggies are flowing from Valley Flora to local food assistance organizations. Administered by the Oregon Foodbank, the LFPA grant pays us for produce that we deliver to the Common Good foodbank in Port Orford and the Coos Bay Library Community Fridge. We’ve always donated leftover and grade B produce to these outlets for free, but this grant has allowed us to harvest and pack them three times more volume, as well as send our foodbank partners perfect peppers, beautiful bunches of kale, and cases of lettuce. The Common Good serves one out of every four families in Port Orford and the Coos Bay Library Community Fridge serves hundreds of folks daily. We love knowing that VF produce is finding its way to far more families every week thanks to these funds.


$25,000+ for SNAP and Double Up Food Bucks

The biggest slice of the Farm Bill pie – and it’s a huge one – is SNAP (food stamps), accounting for over 75% of Farm Bill spending. Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB) is an innovative program that operates in tandem with SNAP to improve access to fresh fruits and vegetables by covering half the cost of any fresh produce that’s purchased with SNAP. It was founded as a non-profit pilot program in Detroit and quickly scaled as a national model for nutrition incentives. The Biden administration oversaw significant growth in this program, enabling us to quadruple our SNAP CSA membership at the farm over the last two years. For our CSA members who have SNAP, Double Up Food Bucks is the difference between being able to afford a CSA share or not.

In Oregon, our network of CSA farms is supported by the Pacific Northwest CSA Coalition (PNWCSA) to process SNAP payments and access DUFB funds. Over the past four years, PNWCSA went from processing about $70,000 in SNAP funds in 2020 to over $200,000 in 2024 (a 185% increase), and from accessing $34,000 in Double Up Food Bucks funds in 2020, to $190,000 in 2024 (a 459% increase). This past year 66 Oregon farms participated in the Double Up CSA program, Valley Flora among them, providing shares to 650 families statewide. The good news is that PNWCSA has secured Double Up funding through 2026, however there’s concern that SNAP could undergo deep cuts under the next administration. Our goal at Valley Flora is to continue to increase our SNAP CSA membership (please spread the word about this awesome program!) so that we can get fresh produce to every family that wants it in our community. Our hope is that we can eventually extend this program to our farmstand, not just our CSA, and keep improving food access on the Southcoast.


$20,000 for a Battery Backup for our Solar Array

In 2018 we installed a 12kW solar array on the roof of our barn, which runs all our core infrastructure at the farm: coolers, freezers, propagation greenhouse, irrigation pumps and lights. It’s been awesome to power the farm with the sun, but ironically we’re not actually energy “independent” because our PV array is still tied to the grid. This allows us to send any excess power we generate back to grid, and to pull power from the grid when we don’t have enough solar gain. All good, but unfortunately it also means that if the grid goes down (due to winter storms or wildfires), we don’t have power – despite all those solar panels on the roof.

We used to think of power outages as a winter problem, and not very worrisome since we have less perishable produce in our walk-in cooler and air temps are cooler in the winter. But with growing wildfire risk – and associated summer power outages – we’ve started to feel increasingly vulnerable to the possibility that our walk-in cooler might go down on a hot August day when it’s full of perishables. We applied for and received a REAP (Rural Energy for America Program) grant to cover half the cost of a battery backup system, which will keep our coolers running and our operation humming in the face of climate change. This is the first year that battery backups have been an allowable REAP project expense, thanks to forward-thinking, climate-smart policy under Biden.


$50,000 for a 60 hp Tractor with Forks and Macro Bins

For over twenty years we’ve been unloading 1 ton pallets by hand, lifting 50 pound bins of squash one by one, and borrowing neighbors’ forklifts when we’re in a pinch. Being low-tech certainly helps keep you in shape, but it also puts some bottlenecks on efficiency and innovation (and sometimes results in back injuries). Through the Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program (RFSI), we received grant funding to purchase a used 60 hp Kubota tractor with forks so we can now lift and move one-ton pallets. The grant also paid for a dozen “macro” bins, which will streamline our handling of various storage crops. The tractor arrived a month ago and there is only one way to describe it: total gamechanger.


All told, these grants and programs add up to around $150,000 in investment into our family farm and this community. To put that in perspective, that’s HALF of our total gross annual sales at Valley Flora! An infusion of capital at this scale has an impact that will ripple through our business and our little local food system for years to come. It’s allowed us get more good food to folks who couldn’t otherwise afford fresh veggies. And it’s allowed us to make purchases that never would have penciled out without grant assistance: a new tractor, a state-of-the-art battery backup system, and smart materials handling equipment.

There’s legitimate concern that many of these programs will disappear with the changing of the guard in Washington, and I’ll be sad for farmers and local communities alike if that comes to pass. Unfortunately, the Farm Bill extension that was passed in December with significant input from the incoming administration hints at what might be coming down the pike: plenty of funding for commodity programs but big slashes to programs that support conservation, small family farms, and community food systems.

No matter what, I’m grateful for what the Biden administration has made possible for our farm and many others like it. No other president has ever made this kind of immediate impact on our business, in direct support of all that we are trying to do here on the banks of Floras Creek – for our community, for the environment, and for the climate.

As the baton is passed today I say thank you, Joe, thank you. You've made a big difference at Valley Flora. 


Big Investments and New Opportunity at Valley Flora

Thank You Joe: Big Leaps Forward at Valley Flora Thanks to Biden

As the new year gets underway on Floras Creek, we’re catching our breath, looking back, looking ahead, and feeling gratitude. A lot of big things happened this past year on the farm, much of which we didn’t have time or bandwidth to share with you in the hustle of the season. But as a new government takes the helm today, we wanted to catch you up on some big investments that were made possible by innovative USDA funding, and what that means for our business and our community moving forward.

Our kind of small, diversified farm has always had to scrabble at the edges for limited USDA resources. Farms that produce commodity crops like corn, soy, wheat, cotton, canola, tobacco, sugar beets, etc. receive government subsidy checks and crop insurance payments every year, equaling about 16% ($70 billion) of the total federal Farm Bill budget (see pie chart below). Meanwhile, “specialty” crops (i.e. fruit and vegetables - that’s us) are lumped into a category that receives less than 1% of total Farm Bill funding (that tiny slice of the pie that also includes forestry, rural development, research, credit, and the catch-all category, “miscellaneous”). All to say, Valley Flora has never received much money from the USDA, except for the conservation programs we’re enrolled in (like planting trees along our streambank, for which they send us a token $47 check each year). 

Source: USDA Economic Research Service Based on Congressional Budget Office, Direct Spending Effects for the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 Farm Bill), December 11, 2018

While commodity programs and crop insurance have still been amply funded under the Biden administration, he also made it a priority to invest in local and regional food production, better food access for low-income communities, and clean energy/climate-smart agriculture. To this end, he empowered the USDA to roll out the most impactful set of grant programs I’ve ever seen for farms like ours. Realizing it might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I put my nose to the grindstone last winter and cranked out a slew of grant proposals for these new USDA programs. A number of our proposals were selected and so began a very exciting phase of opportunity and investment at Valley Flora. Here’s a glimpse of what we’re doing with these special federal funds, some of which are still coming down the pipeline.


$48,000 over Three Years to Supply Local Foodbanks and Community Fridges

The Local Food Purchase Assistance Cooperative Agreement Program is a whole lot of words, and it means a whole lot of veggies are flowing from Valley Flora to local food assistance organizations. Administered by the Oregon Foodbank, the LFPA grant pays us for produce that we deliver to the Common Good foodbank in Port Orford and the Coos Bay Library Community Fridge. We’ve always donated leftover and grade B produce to these outlets for free, but this grant has allowed us to harvest and pack them three times more volume, as well as send our foodbank partners perfect peppers, beautiful bunches of kale, and cases of lettuce. The Common Good serves one out of every four families in Port Orford and the Coos Bay Library Community Fridge serves hundreds of folks daily. We love knowing that VF produce is finding its way to far more families every week thanks to these funds.


$25,000+ for SNAP and Double Up Food Bucks

The biggest slice of the Farm Bill pie – and it’s a huge one – is SNAP (food stamps), accounting for over 75% of Farm Bill spending. Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB) is an innovative program that operates in tandem with SNAP to improve access to fresh fruits and vegetables by covering half the cost of any fresh produce that’s purchased with SNAP. It was founded as a non-profit pilot program in Detroit and quickly scaled as a national model for nutrition incentives. The Biden administration oversaw significant growth in this program, enabling us to quadruple our SNAP CSA membership at the farm over the last two years. For our CSA members who have SNAP, Double Up Food Bucks is the difference between being able to afford a CSA share or not.

In Oregon, our network of CSA farms is supported by the Pacific Northwest CSA Coalition (PNWCSA) to process SNAP payments and access DUFB funds. Over the past four years, PNWCSA went from processing about $70,000 in SNAP funds in 2020 to over $200,000 in 2024 (a 185% increase), and from accessing $34,000 in Double Up Food Bucks funds in 2020, to $190,000 in 2024 (a 459% increase). This past year 66 Oregon farms participated in the Double Up CSA program, Valley Flora among them, providing shares to 650 families statewide. The good news is that PNWCSA has secured Double Up funding through 2026, however there’s concern that SNAP could undergo deep cuts under the next administration. Our goal at Valley Flora is to continue to increase our SNAP CSA membership (please spread the word about this awesome program!) so that we can get fresh produce to every family that wants it in our community. Our hope is that we can eventually extend this program to our farmstand, not just our CSA, and keep improving food access on the Southcoast.


$20,000 for a Battery Backup for our Solar Array

In 2018 we installed a 12kW solar array on the roof of our barn, which runs all our core infrastructure at the farm: coolers, freezers, propagation greenhouse, irrigation pumps and lights. It’s been awesome to power the farm with the sun, but ironically we’re not actually energy “independent” because our PV array is still tied to the grid. This allows us to send any excess power we generate back to grid, and to pull power from the grid when we don’t have enough solar gain. All good, but unfortunately it also means that if the grid goes down (due to winter storms or wildfires), we don’t have power – despite all those solar panels on the roof.

We used to think of power outages as a winter problem, and not very worrisome since we have less perishable produce in our walk-in cooler and air temps are cooler in the winter. But with growing wildfire risk – and associated summer power outages – we’ve started to feel increasingly vulnerable to the possibility that our walk-in cooler might go down on a hot August day when it’s full of perishables. We applied for and received a REAP (Rural Energy for America Program) grant to cover half the cost of a battery backup system, which will keep our coolers running and our operation humming in the face of climate change. This is the first year that battery backups have been an allowable REAP project expense, thanks to forward-thinking, climate-smart policy under Biden.


$50,000 for a 60 hp Tractor with Forks and Macro Bins

For over twenty years we’ve been unloading 1 ton pallets by hand, lifting 50 pound bins of squash one by one, and borrowing neighbors’ forklifts when we’re in a pinch. Being low-tech certainly helps keep you in shape, but it also puts some bottlenecks on efficiency and innovation (and sometimes results in back injuries). Through the Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program (RFSI), we received grant funding to purchase a used 60 hp Kubota tractor with forks so we can now lift and move one-ton pallets. The grant also paid for a dozen “macro” bins, which will streamline our handling of various storage crops. The tractor arrived a month ago and there is only one way to describe it: total gamechanger.


All told, these grants and programs add up to around $150,000 in investment into our family farm and this community. To put that in perspective, that’s HALF of our total gross annual sales at Valley Flora! An infusion of capital at this scale has an impact that will ripple through our business and our little local food system for years to come. It’s allowed us get more good food to folks who couldn’t otherwise afford fresh veggies. And it’s allowed us to make purchases that never would have penciled out without grant assistance: a new tractor, a state-of-the-art battery backup system, and smart materials handling equipment.

There’s legitimate concern that many of these programs will disappear with the changing of the guard in Washington, and I’ll be sad for farmers and local communities alike if that comes to pass. Unfortunately, the Farm Bill extension that was passed in December with significant input from the incoming administration hints at what might be coming down the pike: plenty of funding for commodity programs but big slashes to programs that support conservation, small family farms, and community food systems.

No matter what, I’m grateful for what the Biden administration has made possible for our farm and many others like it. No other president has ever made this kind of immediate impact on our business, in direct support of all that we are trying to do here on the banks of Floras Creek – for our community, for the environment, and for the climate.

As the baton is passed today I say thank you, Joe, thank you. You've made a big difference at Valley Flora. 


Valley Flora is Hiring for the 2025 Season!

Wanna be part of an all-star team here on Floras Creek and learn a ton about organic agriculture, community food systems, and climate-forward farming?

Apply to work with us for the 2025 season!

Job Description & Details

You can apply in one of two ways:

  1. Through Rogue Farm Corps (RFC). We are a Rogue Farm Corps host farm and participate in their farming training apprenticeship program. Apply through RFC here.
  2. Directly to the farm. Please read our farm & job description and then email the following to
    1. Your current, up-to-date resume
    2. Two professional references (please no family members or close friends). Keep in mind we are trying to get a feel for how you will do as a part of our farming team.
    3. A cover letter answering the following questions:
      1. Do you have farming experience? If yes, please tell us about your experience. Why do you want to work on a farm?
      2. Have you ever worked outside or spent prolonged periods of time outdoors?
      3. Why do you think Valley Flora would be a good fit for you?
      4. How does working at Valley Flora connect to your longer-term goals? 
      5. Please share anything else you want to tell us about yourself. We are happy to receive cover letters longer than the standard “one page.” We’d love to learn as much about you as you’d like to share!


The FINAL CSA Share of 2024!

In the last CSA tote of the season: lots of veggies that keep for almost forever!

  • Leeks
  • Yellow Potatoes
  • Purple Daikon Radish
  • Beet Medley - Red, Gold and Chioggia
  • Winter Kohlrabi
  • Winter Candy Carrots
  • Red Storage Cabbage
  • Tetsu Kabocha Winter Squash
  • Chioggia Radicchio
  • Celeriac

Our twenty-eight week CSA season is long, and it's short, slow and fast, somehow all of these paradoxical things. It reminds me a lot of raising kids: it was just yesterday that they were teething, and now they're almost legally driving (not that a bunch of illegal driving has been happening around the farm, but maybe a little...:). If the weekly CSA shares are any testament, it has indeed been another "full" season . We track the CSA value all year long based on what's going into the weekly share, and this year the actual value of your $950 Harvest Basket was $1,100.48, or $150.48 (16%) in bonus produce. For those of you whose chief complaint about the Valley Flora CSA is "too much food," we apologize yet again. After 16 years of offering the CSA, I think it's finally time to face the fact that it's not in our molecular makeup to put less food in the tote each week, no matter how hard we try to keep things under control. If the target is $35 in produce value each week, we inevitably seem to put $40 (yes, sometimes $50) of goodies in your tote instead. Hopefully most of you have found creative ways to enjoy the bounty. The good news about this final share is that most everything in it will keep for weeks, if not months - so if all that fall abundance is backlogged in your fridge, this final delivery of produce can wait its turn in the crisper drawer, no problemo (your Tetsu squash can sit on the counter or in the pantry and will likely still be great next May).

Half of you will be part of our Winter CSA, which starts in mid-January (first delivery scheduled for January 15th, more details to come early in the new year). And for any and all who want to sign up for our main "summer" season again in 2025, we'll be reaching out to you in the second half of January with a priority sign-up invitation. We love it when folks come back for more, and many of you have been since 2009! We generally have a 75%-80% retention rate each year, which is high compared to other CSA's we've compared notes with. Even so we're passionate about improvement on the farm, so if you have any feedback you'd like to share with us PLEASE do so! We don't do a formal end-of-season survey (previous attempts at that proved to be marginally useful since effective survey design is an art unto itself), but we encourage you to email us with anything that's top-of-mind for you: why you won't be signing up again, why you will be, what you loved most about the CSA or could do without. 

Before I sign off for 2024 I want to say a huge thank you to our hardworking farm crew. We found ourselves short-handed a few too many times to count this season due to all manner of the unexpected, and yet we still managed to get 'er done, thanks to everyone digging deep, always going the extra mile, and giving their all. I couldn't ask for a more dedicated, highly-skilled team and I am grateful beyond words to call them my farm family: Roberto, Allen, Jen, Sarah and the two who saved us repeatedly in a pinch: Donna and Sarah Kate! 

Finally, our gratitude to you, our CSA membership. I say this every year because it's still true: our CSA is the core of Valley Flora, and has been since 2009. Even though we sell our product through other market channels - our farmstand, stores, co-ops, restaurants, the CSA is the center pivot around which all of our crop planning and production revolves. We grow cabbage (and a hundred other crops) for YOU, and if there's extra we'll sell it through our other market channels. Filling your totes with a wide variety of colorful produce every week creates the imperative for crop diversity, which in turn results in the beautiful polyculture that is Valley Flora. I wouldn't want it any other way - and neither would our healthy farm fields and all the humming biology therein - so my heartfelt thanks for being the reason for the season (and I don't mean Christmas, although I hope you have a merry one of those as well!).

Until next year!


(P.S. If you're looking for a great gift idea for the gardener in your life, here's a rich idea that checks all the boxes for a locally-sourced gift that keeps giving: SeaCoast Compost! We are so lucky to have a commercial, biodynamic compost-maker in our community, producing some of the finest black gold there is. It's available directly from their nursery in Charleston, or at B&B Farm Supply in Langlois, or lots of other garden/hardware stores on the Southcoast. If you're a glutton for compost like we are, you can also have it delivered by the sleigh-er-dumptruck-load (thank you David & Athena!). 



Week 26 of 28 from Valley Flora!

In the CSA Share this Week:

  • Purple Brussels Sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Rosemary and fresh Bay Leaves
  • Shallots
  • Parsnips
  • Yellow Potatoes
  • Rosalba Radicchio
  • Butternut Squash
  • Lacinato Kale

Thanksgiving Reprise

This week's share contains our standby collection of Thanksgiving vegetables, with a few new guest appearances (fresh bay leaves, pretty-in-pink Rosalba Radicchio, and Lacinato Kale). We had intended to give out a big beautiful head of Winter Crisp Lettuce but the violent hailstorm on Sunday night shredded all of our remaining head lettuce (and spinach) in the field. Fortunately our most tender and beloved of radicchios - Rosalba - survived. Many, many layers of her Barbie-pink leaves had to be peeled away - discarded into pink-petticoat-drifts in the field - but she was mostly unscathed underneath, phew. 

It's been a rowdy week, ticking most of the boxes for late fall/winter weather drama here on the southcoast: hail, high winds, heavy rain. We lost the plastic on one of our greenhouses to 70 mph gusts last night, and the film on a newly-planted strawberry bed took flight, but all in all we weathered the "cyclone bomb" alright. (The new meteorological terminology cracks me up: same old Curry County weather, brand new, headline-worthy name). If you are new to the area, welcome to "normal" on the Southcoast! 

And if you are new to CSA this year, you might not question the arrival of your Thanksgiving produce a week early (I know, all you old dogs are probably feeling out of sorts seeing those ugly Valley Flora parsnips in your tote with Thanksgiving still a week off). That's because (BIG REMINDER), there is NO CSA DELIVERY NEXT WEEK on Wednesday 11/27 or Saturday 11/30. Our kids have the whole week off from school, we have two dozen family members visiting from Saturday to Sunday, and we've finally decided after fifteen years that it's not that much fun to pack all 140 CSA shares, the farmstand orders, and the wholesale orders in 2 days instead of 5 in order to give ourselves and our crew a break on Thanksgiving day! So a Thanksgiving holiday it is for your farmers, in the fullest, most British sense of the word. I think I could get used to this.

Most of your produce this week has a long fridge life (keep your shallots and squash on the counter). Which means that if you want to hoard it for next Thursday's feast, go right ahead! Might I recommend one of my favorite Thanksgiving side dishes that will utilize your parsnips (those especially ugly white roots in your give them a chance, with the help of a vegetable peeler):

Roasted Winter Squash and Parsnips with Maple Syrup Glaze and Marcona Almonds

We also loaded you up with extra spuds for mashing, and a bag of aromatics (rosemary and bay) for roasting/baking/soup-making.

We're wishing all of you a Thanksgiving full of grace and good food, and sending you our deepest gratitude for your commitment to the farm and the CSA this season. We wouldn't bother growing those ugly parsnips if it wasn't for all of you (wink, wink). :)

AND, don't forget that we'll be back in your life the week after Thanksgiving for ONE LAST CSA DELIVERY the week of December 2nd! Week 28 of 28, not to be missed!

Mark your Calendars: Final CSA Pickup for the Season:

  • Wednesday 12/4, Coos Bay and the Farm
  • Saturday 12/7, Port Orford and Bandon

Thank you all!


Week 25 of 28 from Valley Flora!

In the CSA Share this Week:

  • Sweet Beets!
  • Winter Carrots!
  • Celeriac (aka Celery Root)
  • Head Lettuce
  • Violet Queen Turnips
  • Spaghetti Squash
  • Treviso Radicchio
  • Fennel

On Rotation:

  • Chard
  • Collards

New Winter Veggies This Week:

  • Celeriac: The gnarly orb-like root with the green buzz cut is celeriac, one of the many under-appreciated winter vegetables that we love to introduce to our CSA members each year. Celeriac is indeed closely related to celery, with a similar - albeit more mild and "rooty" - flavor. You can eat celery raw, but it develops an added sweetness when cooked. Check out this eclectic collection of recipes from Epicurious for ideas. It's a great soup ingredient, adds depth to a sheet pan of roasted fall roots, and brings a special je ne sais quoi to mashed potatoes (boil the celeriac with your spuds and mash all together).
  • Spaghetti Squash: Spaghetti squash rarely garners the glory compared to the ever-popular and super-sweet Delicata or Butternut squash, but it's not an altogether fair estimation. Spaghetti squash does something none of the other squashes do, which is impersonate spaghetti! That's great news if you want a gluten-free noodle alternative, or just a change of pace. Try this Spaghetti Squash Parmesan, which is nothing short of indulgent thanks to some fresh mozz and homemade marinara.
  • Treviso Radicchio: As we roll out our fall radicchio line-up, it becomes clear just how much diversity there is among the Italian chicories. Treviso is a tight, dense, upright, football of a variety with beautiful wine-colored leaves and white ribs. This one is a joy to grow and harvest (and eat) every year. I highly recommend checking out this fantastic collection of radicchio recipes, and in particular you might want to make the Salad with Caramelized Fennel, Apples and Radicchio, given that this is the last juicy bulb of fennel you'll be getting in your share this season.

Thanksgiving Ahead!

A reminder that the farm will be closed the week of Thanksgiving. We will be harvesting and packing your "Thanksgiving Share" next week and delivering it to CSA pickup sites on our usual schedule (on November 20th and 23rd). We'll resume deliveries the week of December 2nd for the 28th and final week of the season. 

Have a great week, and hang onto your hats!


Week 24 of 28 from Valley Flora!

In the Harvest Basket this Week:

  • Brussels Sprouts, on the stalk
  • Leeks
  • Delicata Squash
  • Carrots
  • Sweet Peppers
  • Bunched Spinach
  • Head Lettuce
  • Shinseiki Asian Pears

On Rotation:

  • Cauliflower

Asian Pears!

We are certainly rounding the corner into deep Fall, with the weather trending chilly and wet and the food listing towards the dense and durable. This will likely be the final week of sweet peppers (sniff, not sure how I'll carry on without a fridge stuffed full of those sweet snackers). The sugary consolation prize is this week's Asian Pear, a variety called Shinseiki. For years I was convinced this was a dud variety - not very flavorful, kinda meh. I even considered cutting the trees down and replacing them with something else. One year I just didn't pick them - what was the point? - and then noticed that they were still clinging steadfast to the tree in November. I went out to the orchard and sampled one, only to discover a beautifully bronzed pear - sweet, juicy, and pretty dang good! The epiphany was that I had been picking this variety too soon, before they'd developed their full flavor potential. There's always some gusty storm in October that threatens to knock all the Asian pears to the ground, hence a premature scurry to harvest any fruit hanging on the trees. Well, lo and behold, Shinseiki knows how to hang on through high winds so it can ripen to its full, yummy, November goodness. It's also a reliable fruit-setter, which means we usually have a good crop (and often have to thin it in the early summer because it over-sets fruit). Not a bad problem to have when it means fresh Asian Pears in November!


Also new and sweet this week, Delicata Squash! This is probably our most beloved winter squash variety of all, due to its fantastic flavor and ease of prep in the kitchen. It's one of the few squash varieties with skin thin enough to eat, so if you dread peeling your squash before baking/roasting, no need with this one. That said, it's pretty easy to strip them down with a regular veggie peeler if you want a smoother eating experience (my preference). We often make "Delicata boats" the centerpiece of dinner - cut in half, scoop out the seeds, bake face down on a cookie sheet with some water in it (to create steam) at 400 degrees until soft. You can enjoy them plain, with melted butter, or fancy it up with any kind of stuffing: meat, grains, sauteed veg. Our other go-to prep is "Delicata smiles:" peel (or not), cut in half, scoop out the seeds, cut into half-moons, toss with olive oil and salt, and roast at 425 until soft and slightly browned (flip and stir with a spatula occasionally to get all sides browned).

If you want to take it to the next level, this is a fantastic recipe that knocked our socks off last year (and which we had for dinner last night, and lunch leftovers again today - hooray!). It'll use any kind of winter squash, or a mix of types, and you can sub spinach for kale if you want to make it with what's in your share this week: Winter Squash and Kale Pasta 

Brussels Sprouts!

And finally, those Dr. Seuss-inspired stalks of Brussels sprouts! If you don't have much fridge space, I recommend snapping the sprouts off the stalk and storing them in a plastic bag in your fridge. Like a tiny cabbage, they'll keep for weeks, but why wait?! I know, there are some people out there who have reasons - they think they hate Brussels sprouts - and that's most likely due to the fact that they've only ever had them boiled or steamed, and probably overly-so. Overcooked grey Brussels sprouts are indeed bleh! So instead, roast! The magic formula of high heat + fat + salt + VF veggies works wonders on Brussels. We usually cut them in half first, toss with olive oil and salt and roast at 450 on a sheet pan until they get crispy-browned. Or peruse this collection of recipes to get other inspiration: 42 Best Brussels Sprout Recipes Even Haters Will Love. There's something for everyone in that smorgasbord of recipes.


Week 23 of 28 from Valley Flora!

In the CSA Share this Week:

  • Head Lettuce
  • Marinanta Radicchio
  • Sunshine Winter Squash 
  • Yellow Potatoes
  • Sweet Peppers
  • Carrots
  • Red Onions
  • Purple Mini Daikon Radish
  • Curly Parsley

On Rotation:

  • Cauliflower

New This Week: Radicchio! Sunshine Squash! Purple Daikon!

  • Marinanta Radicchio is the first of our radicchio varieties to come out of the field. Marinanta is highly expressive, and by that I mean she's a shapeshifter. Some of the heads look like tight cabbages; others look like upright torches of light green streaked with pink; and still others form crunchy whorls of twisted leaves. I always think this variety must somehow be a distant cousin to iceberg, given her light green-to-blanched coloration, crispy-crunchy texture, and often squatty stature. You can certainly eat her like iceberg, and depending on whether you want to experience that telltale hint of bitterness that all radicchios have, you can either pre-soak her or not. If you DON'T like bitterness, cut up your head of Marinanta and soak it in cold water for about ten minutes. Then spin dry and use just as you would regular head lettuce. The cold water soak pulls all of those bitter compounds out, leaving you with very tame "winter lettuce." This works for any radicchio variety, so as they come your way during these final few weeks of the season, you can always use that trick to mellow the flavor. You can also cook with radicchio and that will reduce its bitterness. I'm a huge radicchio fan, both from a farming/food production standpoint and as an eater. Radicchio is tough as nails when it comes to weathering the rough weather of late fall and early winter (cold? wet? stormy? snowy? Bring it on, says the radicchio!). A plant that can handle all that, and better yet, THRIVE through all that, earns my deep respect. But my tastebuds and eyeballs love radicchio as well: it has more interesting flavor than lettuce, all the many varieties present a mind-blowing array of colors and shapes and textures, and it dances in a salad bowl with bold dressings, strong cheeses, salty nuts, roasted winter squash, and dried fruits like nothing else.
  • Sunshine Squash is a scarlet kabocha. If I had to choose one adjective to describe it, it would be "tropical." Easy to peel, deeply sweet and flavorful, and versatile as all get out, this is one of my top three faves in the winter squash realm. Peel, cube and roast with olive oil and salt. Slice into watermelon-like wedges, veer towards the agrodolce, and never look back. Peel, chunk and pressure cook into delectable squash soup. Make pie. Mash. You can do it all with this one. 
  • Purple Mini Daikon is a stunner of a fall radish. All the spice is in the thick rind, which peels easily if you want to keep it mild. The interior is a sweet, crunchy, juicy starburst of lavender surprise. Slice these on your salad and ogle their beauty.

Winter CSA Sign-Ups Begin this Week!

Lots of you have been asking about the Winter CSA. We plan to get sign-ups going this week, so if you are a current CSA member keep an eye out for a direct email from us with details and sign up info. We offer half as many winter shares as summer shares (70 spots versus 140), so we always give our existing summer membership first dibs before opening it up to the wider public. We'll be doing sign-ups through Local Line (the online platform we use for farmstand orders) instead of via our website, so if you haven't registered your CSA Local Line account yet, now's the time! We just sent out a reminder email to our 27 unregistered folks today, so if you get that email you are still not registered with our Local Line platform. :)

Thanks for your year-round support of the farm! We love that these fields can feed so many people 12 months of the year!


Week 22 of 28 from Valley Flora!

In the CSA Share this Week:

  • Savoy Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Winter Kohlrabi
  • Lettuce
  • Yellow Onion
  • Sweet Peppers
  • Sugar Pie Pumpkin
  • Beets
  • Hot Peppers - Serrano & Jalapeño

On Rotation:

  • Eggplant
  • Romanesco

Short and Sweet this Week!

We're in the final push before the rain to get 
our last winter cover crops in, and to form up the new beds for the 2025 strawberry patch. Every dry hour counts right now, so this newsletter is going to be brief! Mainly, a little coaching on two of the big, hefty orbs in your share this week: Winter kohlrabi and Sugar Pie Pumpkins.
  • The winter kohlrabi are colossal, as they always are, but you can carve on it for weeks if you store it in the fridge in a plastic bag. The cut edge will discolor in storage, so just shave it off each time you go to cut off a new slab. This variety is the sweetest, crunchiest, yummiest kohlrabi of the whole year, so enjoy!
  • Like I mentioned last week, the Sugar Pie Pumpkin in your share this week is multi-purpose: it has hull-less seeds that will roast up into tasty little snackable pepitas, AND it has sweet meat ideal for homemade pumpkin pie. OR, of course, you can carve it for Halloween. It is a pumpkin after all...

Be it known that this is the last of the eggplant for the year (whether you are cheering or depressed at that news, it is a fact, seeing as I flail mowed the plants down to stubs on Monday in preparation for cover crop).

Next week, get ready for those delicious purple daikons, potatoes, and the first radicchio of the season! (I know I'm excited about that, and I will do my best to help you become excited, too.)

Until next week!




Week 21 of 28 from Valley Flora!

In the CSA Share this Week:

  • Hakurei Turnips
  • Acorn Winter Squash - Starry Night and Night Shift
  • Sweet Peppers
  • Fennel
  • Red Onions
  • Eggplant

On Rotation:

  • Chard
  • Collards
  • Romanesco
  • Purple Cauliflower

Winter Squash, Pumpkins, Gourds, Oh My!

The first of our winter squash varieties are landing in the Harvest Basket this week: two diferent kinds of Acorn squash called Starry Night (the stripey one) and Night Shift (the green/black one). We had actually planned to send them your way last week, but there's been so much other fresh food coming out of the field of late (broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, fennel, peppers!), we decided to hold off so as not to overwhelm the share. From here on out, however, you can count on seeing some sort of squash in your tote each week, including different varieties of Delicata, Kabocha, Spaghetti, Butternut, and pie pumpkins. ALL of the squash you are going to receive are edible and delicious, so while they will make for a festive seasonal centerpiece, we encourage you to eat them eventually (most of them will store for months on the countertop). I always like to remind our CSA members about knife safety with winter squash: it can be hard to hack through those tough shells. Chainsaw? Hatchet? Bandsaw? Nah, you'll be fine with a sharp and pointed kitchen knife and some common sense. Watch this little video on how to cut winter squash without an ER visit if you want to brush up on some practical knife skills. And remember, if you don't want to wrestle with cutting them up, you can always bake squash whole or pre-soften them in a microwave before going on the attack. Just be sure to poke a few holes in them first before you toss them in the oven/microwave.

Squash are lovely in that they give you permission to keep it simple: cut in half, bake at 375 until soft, eat with a little butter (and maple syrup, if you wannna go for full indulgence). Or, you can dress them up, like this Savory Herb Roasted Acorn Squash with Parmesan, or this recipe from one of my favorite cookbooks (gifted to me by a longtime CSA member many years ago), Six Seasons: Roasted Squash with Yogurt, Walnuts and Spiced Green Sauce. Depending on what you're doing with them, many of the squash varieties are interchangeable in recipes. Most of them will roast up wonderfully (Acorn, Delicata, Kabocha, Butternut), so feel free to substitute if you don't have whichever variety is called for in a recipe. Your Kabocha and Butternut are your soup-making superstars. Your old friend Spaghetti squash is really the only one with a slightly more limited repertoire, but it does its own thing well (and I promise to share some recipes with you when it's spaghetti squash time). And next week, on the eve of Halloween, we'll be sending you a pie pumpkin that is a multi-tasker like none other: edible hull-less seeds, sweet meat for pie-making or savory dishes (feel free to hang onto it until Thanksgiving for that homemade pumpkin pie), or carve it into a mini jack-o-lantern (but save the seeds for roasting!).

But why go mini when you could go MAXI with one of Pippin's carving pumpkins, now available at the farmstand while supplies last! You can also find Cleo's wacky gourds at the farmstand (and I give you full permission to use those for centerpiece decor so that your edible winter squash can be put to work in the kitchen instead). The farmstand is open every Wednesday from 11:30 to 2:30. Come by for some produce, or place an order online between Thursday and Sunday and have your goodies waiting for you on the following Wednesday (pre-order offerings include Farmstead Bread, Aguirre Farms Eggs and Wild Coast Brew Tea, in addition to Valley Flora hot sauce and produce). The farmstand will continue to be open every Wednesday until December 11th, with the exception of Wednesday, November 27th (the farm will be closed the week of Thanksgiving). And while you're here, you might try some pumpkin rolling, Uma's new seasonal sport (just kidding, and please don't sue us if you try it and break something). :)




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