Important Updates from the Farm

We want to alert you to a few unexpected changes for the coming week of August 1. Tragically, Roberto's younger brother died on Thursday in an electrical accident in Washington. Roberto will be gone all week in Wenatchee with his family. Without his invaluable help on the farm in the coming days, a couple of things will be different this week:


  1. There will be NO BEET BOX NEWSLETTER this week. You can expect to seem some or all of the following items in your Harvest Baskets: Purplette onions, strawberries, lettuce, basil, zucchini, beets, green cabbage, kale, cucumbers, possibly broccoli, possibly carrots (they are nearly ready for harvest, at last!).
  2. TAMALE SHARES WILL NOT BE GOING OUT THIS WEEK. We are postponing the scheduled tamale delivery until the week of August 8th. Juana is also with the family in Wenatchee, making it a challenge to get all of the tamales made and to the farm for delivery this week. Our apologies for any inconvenience this might cause you. Please look for your tamale shares NEXT WEEK - the week of August 8th - at your pickup site instead.

Thanks for your understanding. Our thoughts are with Roberto, his sister Juana, and the entire Sierra family.


