- Baby Hakurei Turnips - a "thinning" harvest, which means the turnips are petite, extra-tender, and the greens are top quality for stir-fries, sauteeing, or steaming. By doing a preliminary thinning this week, we should have larger bunches for you next time.
- Leeks - so fat!
- Cauliflower
- Savoy Cabbage
- Purple Daikon Radish - the last of the season. Peel, slice and enjoy on tacos, burrito bowls, posole, salads, or dipped in dressing!
- Spring Raab - a combo of Lacinato and cabbage raab this week
- Purple Sprouting Broccoli (PSB) - sometimes aphids like to hide amongst the tight buds of PSB during the winter. A great way to get rid of them is to soak your florets in salty water for 10-15 minutes and then rinse them off with fresh water. Add 1 tsp salt per 1 quart water in a bowl or your sink and submerge the broccoli (this also works with any other type of produce where aphids are keen to congregate: kale, cauliflower, regular heading broccoli and broccolini, Brussels sprouts, etc). You can also make a white vinegar solution instead of salt to similar effect.
- Painted Purple Potatoes
- Pea Shoots
- Italian Parsley
- Bunched Spinach
- Autumn Frost Winter Squash
Only THREE CSA Basket Left for our Upcoming Summer Season!
As of last count, we only have three Harvest Baskets left before we're sold out for the the 2025 Summer Season (heads up if you've been procrastinating on signing up!). If you want to eat crazy-fresh-and-tasty veggies, avoid the grocery store stickershock, and vote with your fork for local family farming and a resilient, community-forward food system, grab your CSA share today before it's too late!
Grant Freeze Update from the Farm:
Two of the federal grants we received last year to make upgrades at the farm continue to be frozen by the federal government. It's been a part-time job the past six weeks trying to get our funds released so that we can get reimbursed for the $90,000 in projects we have in the works (a new tractor with pallet forks and a battery back-up system for our solar array that would keep our coolers running and our produce safe during power outages). So far the new administration has flouted two judicial orders demanding that these Congressionally-appropriated funds be reinstated to farms across the country. The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) that was supposed to fund our battery backup project has $600 million in signed contracts with farmers across the country right now, all to support solar installations and energy efficiency projects. The entirety of that funding is currently frozen (somewhat ironically) by President Trump's "Unleashing American Energy" Executive Order. We continue to advocate, agitate, and organize with farmers around the state and country to get this illegal action reversed so we can move forward with these projects that are intended to increase the capacity and the resiliency of the farm and our local food system. Please add your voice if you haven't already by sending a message to Congress: https://sustainableagriculture.net/take-action/
Photo of the Week: Avocadoes in the Orchard!
Mexicola is an avocado variety that's hardy down to 20 degrees, so it stands a chance to survive here on the coast. Inherent gamblers that we are, we planted four of them (they need each other for pollination) last week, and one of the trees arrived already loaded with hundreds of baby avocadoes the size of little raisins. We'll see if they can hack it on Floras Creek, and if they can, holy-moly there might be homegrown guacamole in your CSA future! :)